God Talks To You 

God speaks to everyone who tries these exercises....God can handle your doubts. When God speaks to you, you will know it is God.. there will be no doubt of course, after the experience, doubt will come back. That is the force of evil. Evil doesn't want you to communicate with God.

                    God Speaks To You---
Experiencing God means growing in a daily and an ability to hear clearly when God speaks to us through the Holy Spirit, whether that be by his word, by prayer, by circumstances or by godly people among other things.

                God Speaks Today----
God chooses to speak to us, through direct revelation, dreams, written words, prophets, circumstances, angles and through the Holy Spirit. Yet, he believes there are four basic ways that God speaks to us today. sometimes funny, sometimes serious, always though-provoking about hearing God's voice everyday.

                 Word Of God---
God's word taught shared via teachings, videos, music, free membership meet other Christians. Empower yourself, be happy, healthy live stress free in God's word...

                    God Speaks----
God speaks about himself, the Evolution, the meaning of our lives, what the religion must be, how to achieve the perfection, how to cognize him and become one with him. God sends his messengers to people again and again, to remind them about the true knowledge. They teach us.

                       What Do You Do, When God Speaks To You-----
He knew that God still answers prayers and that God still speaks to his people. God talks to us daily. We are to be in Obedience unto the functioning of the Holy Spirit When God speaks to your hearts of hearts, obey for in your sacrifice of obedience, God rewards you bountifully.

                       Hearing God Speak---
God speaks to us in the natural moments of life. Do you want to hear God's voice? Then yiu must be ready to listen. Here are some preparation tips.

                       The Ways God Speaks To Us----
Sometimes he speaks audibly to us, sometimes on the inside, as with the conscience. The more you speak with God through prayer, and the more you listen to and obey his voice, the more easily you are able to recognize his voice subsequently.

                     OK, I Hear You God----
Thoughts and conversations with God... Today it's so good to be alive, God it's a beautiful day and life is good, But i'm especially grateful, Lord that every day is a good day to be alive. Because every day has become a gift to me after so many years of taking them for granted.

                     God Speaks To Each Of Us----
God speaks to each of us as he makes us, then walks with us silently out of the night. These are words we dimly hear. You sent out beyond your recall, go to the limits of your longing. Embody me Flare up like flame and make big shadows i can move in.

                     Word Of God Speaks Redemption---
In the very first word of Genesis 1;1, God had Redemption in mind even before man's fall indicated by the first word in Genesis... The first word of God in the bible speaks of redemption praise Jesus.

                    Revelation God Speaks---
Revelation God speaks.... How do we know who God is, and what he is like, Some speculate about his nature through religion or philosophy, but christians don't have to... We have the Bible which is God speaking to all of us. How did we get the Bible?... Part 2 Revelations God speaks...detailed description of the journey of the soul from the time of its "Creation" until it has completed its function in the evolution and involution of consciousness, and has returned to the Over-soul from which it originated.

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